S’abba e s’ulimu

A Treasure of Volcanic Rocks and Transparent Waters

The cove of S’abba ‘e s’ulimu, from the Sardinian “the water of the elm” is mainly made up of volcanic rocks, which make up a long cliff, bordered at the north and south ends by basalt walls that drop straight down into the sea. 

The cove’s water amazes with its transparency and blue and greenish shades. This place, like Punta Niedda and Punta Su Mastixi, is also a solitary place which stands out for its beauty and its particularity.

The beach

The combination of volcanic rocks, majestic cliffs and crystal clear waters creates a unique and evocative landscape, which leaves you breathless and captures the imagination of anyone who ventures there. 

The Cove of S’abba ‘e s’ulimu is a true Sardinian treasure, a place to discover and admire for its particularity and its extraordinary beauty.